Breeding high quality family & show Rough Collies & Borzois

Category Archives: Ikke kategoriseret


I am so happy being able to say that my lovely Zarina has become DKK Breed Winner 2017!!!

She secured the title allready BEFORE the 2 last shows in Herning…

Zarina – BYJCH KLBJCH DKCH Zabava Znaty Dinastiya

What a day!!! My lovely Daisy: Si-Si’s Prima La Perla went all the way at “Store Hestedag” in Roskilde. Best Champion bitch, Best bitch, Best Of Breed, and BEST IN SHOW !!! And finally she also gained her new title “Club Champion”. Thank you so much to the judge, Ian Rasmussen from Australia who really… Continue Reading

What a day!!! My wonderful Pepper: Si-Si’s Burning Hot Coal won at “Store Hestedag” in Roskilde. Best Junior male, Best male 2, Junior CC and also the CC !!! Finally he also gained his new title “Club Junior Champion”. Thank you so much to the judge, Ian Rasmussen from Australia who really made my day. Continue Reading

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